Keep it dry
You might have a home built with the best material that can protect your belongings from flood and snow. Such outside elements cannot enter through the strong walls and roof, but you never know they can hide beneath the floor. There is a high risk of soaking up moisture from the ground in your carpet even in the dry season. Buildups on the carpet surface can cause ripples in the structure. If you notice your carpet buckling up, call a carpet stretching service to fix it. You can install a dehumidifier to remove moisture from the room.
Don’t drag your furniture
As soon as you bring in your favorite couch, you might not see what lies beneath its legs. A heavy desk could leave an uncorrectable deep mark on the carpet if you place there for a long time. Furthermore, dragging such a heavy object can graze through the layers of carpet material. Such a habit can damage your carpets and rugs before their warranty period. You can prevent wasting of money on carpet buying if you invest in the carpet with the right size that fits your room.
Keep your carpet clean
Regardless of the price you have paid for a luxury carpet, you might face property damage if you don’t maintain it. When you drop spills of water or beverage, you should clean it immediately. Regular vacuuming is a must for every carpet owner. Neglecting the condition of your carpet can be a costly affair replacing it with a new one.
You should regularly check your carpet to detect moisture and buildups that can easily penetrate the carpet fabric throughout the year. If you are not experienced in carpet maintenance, hire a carpet stretching and repair company that provides quality services.
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